Private Ski & Snowboard Instructors, Guides and Lessons

Ski School Pros: Instructor Benefits

Communication Platform

Provides a platform to make clients aware of your qualifications, teaching philosophies and outside endeavors.

Convenient Booking

Allows potential clients to see your availability and book a lesson, saving both of your valuable time.



Increase Private Requests

Increase your private requests by giving potential clients the information and convenience they are looking for.

Strength In Numbers

By working together, we can do more to help grow snow-sports, advocate for instructors and promote the benefits of qualified instruction.

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Ski School Pros Instructor Requirements

  1. Must be CERTIFIED
  2. Must have EXPERIENCE

At least TWO of the following:

  • Referral/Recommendation from a SSP Pro
  • Positive Client Reviews
  • Cert 2+
  • Supervisor Recommendation
  • A website, Facebook page, linkedin profile, forum post or published article that highlights your teaching philosophies.